Committing to Anti-Racist Child Care Policies

To learn more:
Speaker Bios (DOC) (10/13/20) Alycia Hardy, Jamie R. Riley, Christine Johnson-Staub
Racial Equity Learning & Development Resource List, CLASP
Suggested Resources, CLASP

Building Stronger Child Care Policy Roadmap & Early Childhood Governance: Getting There from Here

Speaker Bios (DOC) (10/20/20) Albert Wat, Elliot Regenstein
Build Stronger: A Child Care Policy Roadmap for Transforming Our Nation’s Child Care System, Alliance for Early Childcare, September 2020
Getting There from Here, Foresight Law & Policy, June 2020
View the presenter slides

Boy stacking yellow blocks

Stimulus Funding Discussions

Collaboratory state teams came together in March and May 2021 to share their experiences, learnings, and plans for administering stimulus funding for child care businesses in the CARES Act, CRRSA, and ARPA. A summary of the resources and plans shared in each discussion can be found below.

ECE Business Collaboratory Mapping Deep Dive

To learn more:
Collaboratory Overview & Child Care Ecosystem (PDF)

Prenatal to Five Financing Principles and Strategies

Watch on Go-to-Webinar
Convening Presenter Bios (PDF) Jeanna Capito, Simon Workman

Media Training

Collaboratory teams participated in a virtual media training designed to support collaboration with each teams communication team's media efforts. The training provided an overview of working with the media and the value of elevating voices and shaping public awareness and understanding through media coverage.
View the presentation slides